Saturday, April 17, 2010

I suppose I deserve this?

So it's nearing the end of the semester and as expected, things are piling up one after another.
6 lab write-ups for Electronics
8+ lab write-ups for Digital Logic
1 three page paper, 1 6-8 page research paper for Art

Of course, most of this is work I should have completed quite a while ago.
But of course, I left it until now.
When I have finals to worry about.
Nice job, Melby.

Monday, March 8, 2010

I'll take what I can get

Bruce Lee - obviously

If I can't be the hot girl at the pool in the bikini, then I'll settle for being the cute girl in the t-shirt at the gym who sets all the TVs to Enter the Dragon.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Sepia Colored Nights

Well, the good news is that I purchased, not one! but two new pairs of sunglasses!
Surprisingly, only one pair are Aviators - brown tinted instead of the black mirrored ones I previously owned. The other are plastic frames with brown lenses as well - not a style that I would usually go for, but I actually really like them.

I've been wearing them a lot, even though it's pretty cloudy out.
That's how you know I'm cool.
Or over doing it.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Your motives sound suspicious.

Dear Honda,

While on Hulu today, I was offered the option to watch your commercial, and in turn, not have my viewing interupted. While I appreciate this gesture of graciousness, I am a little concerned about your Skynet-esque depiction of robotics.
Comparing robots to the Greek Gods?
That we have nothing to fear from robots; they are not diabolic.
Talking about robot equality in film?
Technology is the next evolutionary stage?

I'm on to you, Skynet.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

That isn't to say you should leave without a parachute.

When I was walking to class the other day I was caught up philosophizing (and obviously not paying attention to where I was walking, but that is not the point I'm looking to make here).

I was wondering why it takes some people moments to open their heart and soul to strangers-made-friends, and it takes others years, in the event that they are able to do it at all. And the easiest way for me to wrap my mind around it was thinking about it like piloting a plane.

When you're up in the air, you're completely vulnerable and the only thing between you and a very, very hard landing is a wing and a prayer. Well, two wings. And a whole lot of empty air.
In any case, there is just that feeling of being so far above the world, nothing but joy and happiness. However, things have a habit of ending when you expect it the least, and a lot of the time, it's not going to be pretty. When you come out of the wreckage, scraped up but alive (and you will survive - nature makes sure we live through the worst of it, wouldn't you know?) odds are you're not going to hope on the spare plane you had in your pocket and fly on home.

I guess my analogy is a little far fetched. But you have these relationships with people, friends you haven't seen in months and can pick up right where you left off, it's familiar airspace. You know those currents like you do your own skin. Every once and a while there will be some turbulence, but it passes, doesn't it?
But after you crash and burn, you're afraid. It's not the plane, and it's not your skills. It's the unknown air that is out there, threatening to swallow you whole.

Now, you can't stay grounded forever. And if you can, then you're missing out. At some point, we have to get back in the seat and hope for the best.
And the sooner the better.
Because no one should be afraid of loving anyone.

Monday, February 22, 2010

And go get yourself some cheap sunglasses

I really need to get myself a new pair of sunglasses.
They can't be any kind, though. They have to be aviators.

I'm not sure where my inclination came from, (perhaps years of being limited to clip-ons and magnetic ones) but personally, I'm under the impression that I don't even look good in any other kind of sunglasses.
My last pair had an unfortunate accident in a Volleyball pit and/or move-in day and I lost one of the ear frames. It had been loose for a while, and I kept meaning to fix them, but I never got around to it.
And now spring is around the corner (if you ask me anyway, which you won't), and I don't have sunglasses.

I'm going to be on the hunt.
And if the glass is so dark they won't know my name, well...that'd just be a plus.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

As I was getting off the train this afternoon, I noticed something different. Every thing I saw was a little brighter, had a little more depth, was a little more there.
In a word, it felt like spring.

Now I know that it won't be spring for quite some time, and with impending snow storms tomorrow, Thursday and the following Tuesday in addition to the idle snow covering the dorm areas and the quad, it seems like Spring is eons away.

But for some reason it doesn't feel that way anymore. I'm not sure what happened on the train. Just this morning I was complaining that I wish Spring were here already, because I was tired of the snow. And all of the sudden, after two hours on a train, everything felt alright.

Maybe it's just the waning of the tiredness that winter brings. I've been having these feelings of happiness and excitement bubbling up inside me, wanting to draw, to write, to make, to create, to play! I feel like I'm slipping away from the coldness that swallows everything in the winter.

Maybe it's that. But even if it isn't.

It's already springtime in my heart.