Friday, April 10, 2009

What Not To Wear: Cotton Edition

It has been brought to my attention that my fashion sense....does not exist.

I've worn novelty t-shirts all through high school and the first two semesters of college. I like them. They are cute, and often have clever phrases plastered across the front.
Fatal flaw. I missed the memo that girls aren't supposed to wear t-shirts past the age of..16? Maybe it is because I never had a real Sweet Sixteen. The government must send out notices about the rules and regulations.
I have always been known as the girl who wears those witty/cute/clever/really cool t-shirts. Or maybe that is just what was said to my face.
As such I am currently working on a new style for my wardrobe. Goodbye brightly colored monsters and cupcakes. The time has come for style.
This is probably the source of my paper doll obsession.
Suggestions will be appreciated and reviewed.


Brennen said...

Your novelty shirts are adorable! I'm just glad you have clothes for dates now! Not that I mind what you wear to dates, it's just that time I tried to get a shirt for you and I got your Noah's Ark shirt...but you didn't want another t-shirt haha. Oops!

Wally said...

Aw, Mel's a big girl. Here's the thing, you don't have to get rid of your tees, per se. You just have to integrate other fun items with them. Like if you're wearing a t-shirt Monday, don't wear one again for a few days. And think of all the options! You can wear dresses, skirts, capris, shorts, tunics, tank-tops/camisoles, sweaters/cardigans, leggings under dresses/skirts are too short...etc. You just can't wear sweatpants or velour tracksuits. Ever. Also, yeah, a t-shirt shouldn't ever be worn on a date unless said date involves something in which you will get dirty/sweaty while still clothed.

That is all.

Mel said...

You mean I can't wear my sweatpants with my cardigan?!

Well there goes my new wardrobe.

I am trying harder not to wear t-shirts everyday, though. I have some nice blouses that I'm making happen.