Thursday, May 14, 2009

Well you better go catch it...

I feel like my nose is constipated.
I've always prided myself on my strong immune system, but now it appears that I have develped allergies. Or maybe just one. To a different mattress. Or my car carpeting.
Clearly the mastermind behind my leisure time.
For the past three months, January until May, I've done nothing but keep busy. Up by 8, classes or work until about 5, maybe later.
What is that? I can wake up anytime I want? I don't have to be anywhere? Or do things? Or leave the house if I don't want to?
The freedom is destroying me. It flits about, and quite frankly, I don't know what to do with myself.
In the meantime, I'm going to spend my days before summer classes reading books, for fun. And being unable to breathe, yet unable to blow my nose at the same time.


Brennen said...

I would like to think i didn't give you allergies. Especially considering they aren't contagious....otherwise I'd be a freak...

On an unrelated note...why is promiscuous a tag? hahaha

becausetheymoo said...

I'd like to point out that you priding yourself on having a strong immune system isn't actually compromised by your development of allergies. Allergies are the immune system over-reacting to ordinary things (such as pollen, dander, etc). And thus, your immune system is still strong...just perhaps a little nutty.